How to reduce HTTP Requests & Improve...

User 2361117 Photo

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I have a single-page responsive website that I launched about two months ago. While my decision to elect a single-page site was a departure from what I've been accustomed to—my previous site was a responsive multipage website designed/developed using HTML Editor in 2010 and overhauled in 2019 not to mention I was able to achieve a 1st-page organic ranking in the SERPS by focusing on content using primary keywords for my former multi-page website without ever having to resort to paid ads—I am now beginning to have serious reservations about a one-page responsive website. This aside, I am presently having a difficult time attempting to resolve two technical issues of/affecting SEO, namely how to reduce HTTP page requests (36 to be exact) to 30 or less, and how to increase page speed from 7.5 to 5.3 seconds or below. For those interested, my one-page site is located at Any comments or suggestions regarding this subject matter are most appreciated. Thank you ahead of time.
User 2273654 Photo

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It seems that it would be very very simple to make your site multiple pages by just taking what is there and making it into multiple pages. Probably would make it tremendously easier to improve the SEO as multi pg site. My opinion. Seems there is so much info on your one pg that reducing load time could be impossible. When we are making our own sites it kind of behooves us to keep searching till we get the best most efficient functioning because it in in our own best interests. The remake would be keeping in mind all of the time that trying to improve SEO.
My CC S-drive site
User 2361117 Photo

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Sorry, but the previous reply doesn't answer my question. While I have some reservations about using a single-page website, I am not yet at the point where I have decided to abandon and replace the single page with a multi-page site. If and when I decide to do so, I really don't have an issue with transitioning from a single-page to a multi-page site as this is easy enough to achieve. I would just prefer to work with what I have at this time to see if I can resolve the page speed issue. This noted I think you may have misinterpreted my question or the way I stated the question may have been confusing. This aside, I have since been able to determine how to reduce the number of HTTP requests to under 30 if and when I find it to be beneficial. What I cannot readily determine is what exactly needs to be done to increase page speed. While I believe it's related to image size, I have yet to figure out which ones are responsible. If and when I do, I will be sure to update this post. In the meantime, any comments, suggestions regarding this issue are most appreciated.
User 2699991 Photo

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Hello Mr Boilermaker73
I can't remember what operating system you have, if you have google chrome, there is a new thing just been introduced in "Developer Tools' called "Lighthouse"

open your site in chrome

right click & select inspect

then select tools / developer tools from the dropdown menu (top right on tool bar)

on the top of the developer panel scroll right until you see Lighthouse select it

click on get report (or words to that effect0

it generates a report which shows things with suggestions as to how to fix. It isn't the be all and end all, but it might help you identify some things to help get you started.

Good luck


UPDATE I just noticed it also available on Microsoft edge
(not yet on firefox)

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User 122279 Photo

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If you serve your images (the forms) as an 'image sprite', you could save a few server requests. There are online image sprite creators, search for 'image sprite maker'.

As to reducing page speed; I see that you have large chunks of commented stuff. If you took that out, maybe keep a copy with all the comments included, just for reference, but upload the page without them, I guess that would reduce the access time a bit.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2699991 Photo

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It.s Me again
Apologies if you have already done this

but a while ago a user recommended an image compressor

I have used it ever since, it's very good
it can even reduce images already compressed (say from tinyjpg for instance)without loss of image quality, the best I ever got was a 51% reduction in file size from a photoshop optimised image
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User 187934 Photo

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I tested your page and it was under 2 seconds. Reduce the http request and you should gain a lot of performance.
Some ways to reduce the number of components include: combine files, combine multiple scripts into one script, combine multiple CSS files into one style sheet, and use CSS Sprites and image maps.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2361117 Photo

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Thanks for the replies. FWIW, I am already familiar with image compressors, and image sprite. However, I am not a fan of the 'image sprite' idea given the pros and cons. As for image compression, I believe I have done all I can as far as image compression is concerned. From what I can see, I have to agree with Inger regarding 'large chunks of commented stuff' is definitely a factor along with the HTTP requests mentioned by Eric which I am already aware of. Being a perfectionist to a fault, as Eric has already commented favorably about my site's page speed, not to mention 92% and 90% grades in GTMetrix and Pingdom Website Speed Test, I am still not satisfied as I feel this can still be improved. On a final note, I am seriously contemplating removing ten images presently associated with ten PDF download links that will dramatically lower my total HTTP requests below 30. My thought is that the images associated with the PDF download links aren't really necessary since it's the actual PDF form (once downloaded) that truly shows the features provided. This in addition to essentially getting rid of unnecessary text should hopefully achieve the desired end result.

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