I have very little idea of what I'm doing. I took some of this from a file that developed from a plugin, back when I had the site hosted at Wordpress and Hostgator. Now my site was rewritten for plain HTML and is hosted back at my old ISP, on an Apache server. One thing that's been suggested, for example, is setting KeepAlive, but my ISP says they don't allow that. Another thing I'll need to add soon, is a 301 redirect, as our site is changing company names and moving from one domain to another, but I don't know how to do that yet. But if you could please look at this and help me take out anything that's not needed and improve it, I'd sure appreciate it. Or if there's a freeware app that might do this in the future, like a htaccess optimizer, I'd be interested. Thanks!
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OS Windows 10