Nice catch there Per, I was about to type the same thing as the rest of the links actually go to a gobbledee goop (technical term for unrecognized code hahaha) bunch of code on a page that stands for a video. The link that goes to the mp4 is going to a site page not a video. Might need to put the video file (.mp4 formatted on) in the right place and that may fix it
I tested a couple of short mp4 video files of mine within the <video> tag with IE9 and everything worked just fine.
One thought that occurred to me while trying these things out: Make sure that scripts and ActiveX are not blocked in your IE9 setup. If they are, that would certainly prevent the mp4 video from working.
If those things are blocked by default, when they are requested by a web page you will get a one-line pop-up at the bottom with a button to "allow blocked content". Click on that and it will work.
To test the mp4 file itself, you could simply remove the other formats from the <video> tag temporarily and see what happens in Chrome, Safari and IE9. That way you force Chrome and Safari to use the mp4 file rather than the other formats. If the video does not work in any of the three browsers, then the mp4 file is the problem. (For Firefox and Opera you would just get a message saying that the video format is incompatible with the browser)
One thought that occurred to me while trying these things out: Make sure that scripts and ActiveX are not blocked in your IE9 setup. If they are, that would certainly prevent the mp4 video from working.
If those things are blocked by default, when they are requested by a web page you will get a one-line pop-up at the bottom with a button to "allow blocked content". Click on that and it will work.
To test the mp4 file itself, you could simply remove the other formats from the <video> tag temporarily and see what happens in Chrome, Safari and IE9. That way you force Chrome and Safari to use the mp4 file rather than the other formats. If the video does not work in any of the three browsers, then the mp4 file is the problem. (For Firefox and Opera you would just get a message saying that the video format is incompatible with the browser)
Hi, this may help, or not. I have used easyHTML5video for a while now, and it works fine on IE9 and IE10, as well as other browsers. I am including the code from the website it is working on. You can compare this code to your own and see if you can spot the problem. It is a simple website showing a personal video. You can view the website here...
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
Hi Gunsmoke - that's a big lump of text. I will compare when I get a moment. Your page renders fine and videos play, but I was accessing them from my Macbook - no IE installed of course.
What I have done now:
1 removed the whole lot from the site and put up an apology.
2 Created an MP4 in Adobe Premier Elements
3 loaded that into Easy HTML5 and told it to create an MP4 (which is now named M4V), an OGG (now called OGV and a WEBM (still file extended as WEBM.
I have to go out now, but I think the best path to follow is:
Working on my Mac, to put the MP4 into the page in a <video div> Transfer the whole project to a Windows machine and upload, then test it in IE. If all OK I'll add the OGV and WEBM.
Easy HTML Video created a block of code, which I assume is for Flash fallback:
* EasyHTML5Video JavaScript Extension API version 1.1
* Created by
* Modified 16:02 12.09.2012
* This file content fullscreen api
(function(){function j(s,r,i){if(s.addEventListener){s.addEventListener(r,i,false)}else{s.attachEvent("on"+r,i)}}function q(s,r,i){if(s.removeEventListener){s.removeEventListener(r,i)}else{s.detachEvent("on"+r,i)}}function m(t,s){if(!t.length){t=[t]}for(var u in s){for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){t[r].style[u]=s[u]}}}var h=0,l="";if(typeof document.cancelFullScreen!="undefined"){h=true}else{var e="webkit moz o ms khtml".split(" ");for(var f=0,n=e.length;f<n;f++){l=e[f];if(typeof document[l+"CancelFullScreen"]!="undefined"){h=true;break}}}function g(i){if(h){switch(l){case"":return document.fullScreen;case"webkit":return document.webkitIsFullScreen;default:return document[l+"FullScreen"]}}else{return !!i.eh5v}}var k=0;function c(i){if(h){return(l==="")?i.requestFullScreen():i[l+"RequestFullScreen"]()}else{if(!i){return}if(k){d(k)}var s={position:"fixed",left:0,top:0,right:"auto",bottom:"auto",width:window.innerWidth+"px",height:window.innerHeight+"px",backgroundColor:"rgba(0,0,0,0.9)",border:"none",zIndex:9999999};i.eh5v={};for(var r in s){i.eh5v[r][r]}for(var r in s){[r]=s[r]}j(document.body,"keydown",o);k=i}}function d(i){if(h){return(l==="")?document.cancelFullScreen():document[l+"CancelFullScreen"]()}else{if(!i){return}for(var r in i.eh5v){[r]=i.eh5v[r]}i.eh5v=0;q(document.body,"keydown",o);k=0}}function o(i){if(i.keyCode==27){d(k)}}var p;function a(w,u){if(w.eh5v){return}w.eh5v={fullScreen:function(i){if(i){c(w)}else{if(g(w)){d(w)}}return g(w)}};var s;if(!u.noFS&&w.getAttribute("controls")&&(window.opera||/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)||navigator.mozVibrate)){var y=/(.*\/)[^\/]+/.exec(w.poster)[1]+"fullscreen.png";if(!p){p=new Image();p.src=y}s=document.createElement("div");m(s,{position:"absolute",zIndex:10,display:"none",right:"0px",top:"0px",width:"28px",height:"28px",background:'rgba(0,0,0,0.50) url("'+y+'") 50% 50% no-repeat',border:"none"});w.parentNode.appendChild(s);function t(){"none"}j(w,"mouseover",function(){"block"});j(w,"mouseout",function(){t()});j(s,"mouseover",function(){"block"});j(s,"click",function(){c(w);t()})}j(w,"dblclick",function(){if(g(w)){d(w)}else{c(w)}if(s){setTimeout(t,100)}});if(!w.getAttribute("loop")){j(w,"ended",function(){setTimeout(function(){w.load();w.pause()},400)})}if(/Android/.test(navigator.userAgent)){var x=w.getElementsByTagName("source"),r;for(var v=x.length-1;v>=0;v--){if(!x[v].type){r=x[v].src}else{if(r&&/mp4/.test(x[v].type)){x[v].src=r;w.load()}}}}}var b=document.getElementsByTagName("video");for(var f=0;f<b.length;f++){a(b[f],{noFS:0})}})();
I'll be back
What I have done now:
1 removed the whole lot from the site and put up an apology.
2 Created an MP4 in Adobe Premier Elements
3 loaded that into Easy HTML5 and told it to create an MP4 (which is now named M4V), an OGG (now called OGV and a WEBM (still file extended as WEBM.
I have to go out now, but I think the best path to follow is:
Working on my Mac, to put the MP4 into the page in a <video div> Transfer the whole project to a Windows machine and upload, then test it in IE. If all OK I'll add the OGV and WEBM.
Easy HTML Video created a block of code, which I assume is for Flash fallback:
* EasyHTML5Video JavaScript Extension API version 1.1
* Created by
* Modified 16:02 12.09.2012
* This file content fullscreen api
(function(){function j(s,r,i){if(s.addEventListener){s.addEventListener(r,i,false)}else{s.attachEvent("on"+r,i)}}function q(s,r,i){if(s.removeEventListener){s.removeEventListener(r,i)}else{s.detachEvent("on"+r,i)}}function m(t,s){if(!t.length){t=[t]}for(var u in s){for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){t[r].style[u]=s[u]}}}var h=0,l="";if(typeof document.cancelFullScreen!="undefined"){h=true}else{var e="webkit moz o ms khtml".split(" ");for(var f=0,n=e.length;f<n;f++){l=e[f];if(typeof document[l+"CancelFullScreen"]!="undefined"){h=true;break}}}function g(i){if(h){switch(l){case"":return document.fullScreen;case"webkit":return document.webkitIsFullScreen;default:return document[l+"FullScreen"]}}else{return !!i.eh5v}}var k=0;function c(i){if(h){return(l==="")?i.requestFullScreen():i[l+"RequestFullScreen"]()}else{if(!i){return}if(k){d(k)}var s={position:"fixed",left:0,top:0,right:"auto",bottom:"auto",width:window.innerWidth+"px",height:window.innerHeight+"px",backgroundColor:"rgba(0,0,0,0.9)",border:"none",zIndex:9999999};i.eh5v={};for(var r in s){i.eh5v[r][r]}for(var r in s){[r]=s[r]}j(document.body,"keydown",o);k=i}}function d(i){if(h){return(l==="")?document.cancelFullScreen():document[l+"CancelFullScreen"]()}else{if(!i){return}for(var r in i.eh5v){[r]=i.eh5v[r]}i.eh5v=0;q(document.body,"keydown",o);k=0}}function o(i){if(i.keyCode==27){d(k)}}var p;function a(w,u){if(w.eh5v){return}w.eh5v={fullScreen:function(i){if(i){c(w)}else{if(g(w)){d(w)}}return g(w)}};var s;if(!u.noFS&&w.getAttribute("controls")&&(window.opera||/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)||navigator.mozVibrate)){var y=/(.*\/)[^\/]+/.exec(w.poster)[1]+"fullscreen.png";if(!p){p=new Image();p.src=y}s=document.createElement("div");m(s,{position:"absolute",zIndex:10,display:"none",right:"0px",top:"0px",width:"28px",height:"28px",background:'rgba(0,0,0,0.50) url("'+y+'") 50% 50% no-repeat',border:"none"});w.parentNode.appendChild(s);function t(){"none"}j(w,"mouseover",function(){"block"});j(w,"mouseout",function(){t()});j(s,"mouseover",function(){"block"});j(s,"click",function(){c(w);t()})}j(w,"dblclick",function(){if(g(w)){d(w)}else{c(w)}if(s){setTimeout(t,100)}});if(!w.getAttribute("loop")){j(w,"ended",function(){setTimeout(function(){w.load();w.pause()},400)})}if(/Android/.test(navigator.userAgent)){var x=w.getElementsByTagName("source"),r;for(var v=x.length-1;v>=0;v--){if(!x[v].type){r=x[v].src}else{if(r&&/mp4/.test(x[v].type)){x[v].src=r;w.load()}}}}}var b=document.getElementsByTagName("video");for(var f=0;f<b.length;f++){a(b[f],{noFS:0})}})();
I'll be back
I luv the web
I luv the web
Thanks for the link to see it working Gunsmoke, hopefully that will help him get up and running. Good luck Tony and let us know how the new setup works.
Hi All,
Some headway, my video now plays in IE and other browsers. I also inserted some java script to allow for FLASH fallback. (how do I get hold of IE 7/8 to test it works?)
So all looks fairly food, but now it will not play on mobile devices - iPad/iPhone
Help Guys if you are able - sorry to be a pest.
Thank you very much
Some headway, my video now plays in IE and other browsers. I also inserted some java script to allow for FLASH fallback. (how do I get hold of IE 7/8 to test it works?)
So all looks fairly food, but now it will not play on mobile devices - iPad/iPhone
Help Guys if you are able - sorry to be a pest.
Thank you very much
I luv the web
I luv the web
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.
This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
Make sure you're targeting the Apple devices so that flash is not involved at all, that might be what's wrong there it could be trying to use the flash version and flash doesn't work in Apple stuff (Unless you use Dolphin browser and not everyone will be doing that)
Thanks Jo Ann, I have got some JavaScript in there for flash fall-back, as one is supposed to, but my iPad and stuff did not show the vid, even before I uploaded the script. I do wwonder whether it is S DRIVE at fault, It chokes on larger files 9especially the mp4), which is whats needed for iOS devices, I believe.
I luv the web
I luv the web
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