Need help with MySQL login - Post ID...

User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

I'm not sure what info to put in here to get this to work. I created the database in the hosting control panel, then tried entering the username, etc... Keep getting a message that it can't connect.
1. Host – Is this the website URL? Should it have something after the .com?
2. Username – I've tried the DB username, the website username and 'webusername-dbusername'
3. Password – I used the PW created for the database
4. DB Name – Tried just the db name and 'username-dbname'
5. Table Prefix – Not sure what to put here, tried 'Paintings' (there will be several paintings, murals, etc. sections)

Any ideas? :)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Host: will be the direct path to your database on your host. Some servers use 'localhost' and others a more direct path. For example on a GoDaddy server its:

username: is the database username you created when you created the database. If it did not prompt you to create one, then go back to your hosting control panel and create a 'superuser' with admin rights

password: is the database password. This also should have been created when you created your database

database name: is what you named your database

table prefix: is a prefix that will be added to all tables within the database. I don't use them personally and just leave it blank. Some servers require it. Could be anything to identify your database. This is handy when you may have several utilities using the same database. Your control panel will create your tables based on this prefix.
(example: a database of cars, the prefix could be cars. So your tables would be cars.color cars.make cars.model and such. Then if you used the same database for trucks, the prefix would be trucks. trucks.color trucks.make trucks.model In this way the database knows which tables you are trying to access.)

Again though, servers are different...
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

This is for Lunarpages. I found this in some instructions for allowing apps to access the database; the problem is, it says to use the info sent in the welcome email when the account was first set up. I no longer have that email from 7-8 years ago. :(
host: (there are several similar examples)

When I go to my database I see this in the URL:
Info on the page says user is "username@localhost"

So now I don't have any idea what to use for Host, and as for user... now it's a toss up between:
A. username@localhost (this is the website username without the db username)
B. username-dbusername (the website username, dash, database username.)

The Lunarpages instructions have left me assured that I have a better chance of winning the lotto than entering the correct info for that login. :o

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

This is what I found ...
Can I connect to MySQL database remotely?
Yes, you can connect to your MySQL database remotely on our Linux servers (Basic and Business plans) only using a client such as MySQL Administrator which is part of the MySQL GUI Tools found at
Please remember to enter your own IP address or % for a wild card in the Access Hosts area in cPanel under MySQL. Additionally, you must create a database as well as a user and then add the user to the database prior to establishing a connection. Your database name and user name will be username_databasename and username_databaseuser respectively. The password will be the password for the user you created. The hostname should be your domain name. The port is 3306.
Remote access is not provided on the Windows plan.

Okay, first, did you enter the % in the Access Hosts area using cPanel?
Do you know the username and database name from when you setup the database?
This says to use the _ (underscore) instead of a dash.

You may just have to contact Lunarpages support for this. Sorry. :P
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 122279 Photo

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14,587 posts

Is there a 'Forgotten password' or so to click on? Don't know at Lunarpages, but usually you have to identify yourself by the mail address you used when you registered the domain, maybe some security questions...
Can you log into the cpanel? And from there to the DB, is there a separate login?
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Thanks, Gunsmoke. I didn't come across that info anywhere in their instructions or on the LP forums.
Okay, first, did you enter the % in the Access Hosts area using cPanel?

So, I would put % in there (and nothing else) then for the form above, under Host, just put %?
Where would Port 3306 get entered?
I'll try changing the dashes to underscores, too.

Inger, I can get into the Cpanel just fine. I used the MySQL database wizard in Cpanel to create the database and add the user and permissions. The database required a separate Username and PW to be created.
This is their login example ( I would need to replace the hostname with the info I no longer have – can't believe this isn't listed with all the other account info).
hostname: (or
username: serverna_mydatabaseuser
database: serverna_mydatabase
password: pinkbunny

It would be nice if it's really as easy as plopping a % in there! :D

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Got it! :D
I found some other instructions. Put the % in front of the web address ( ).

Inger – I'm going to get back to that PHP course one of these days. :P
Got to go sort/edit a few hundred photos for this gallery database now. :o
The files include some customization options, so I'll probably be back begging for more help with it before long (seeing as it only took me about 8 hours to upload the thing!).

Thanks Gunsmoke & Inger :)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Good luck with it! :D
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

This is too funny... the last step in the process is setting a username & password for the gallery admin panel.
After that I got the message that all was successful and the links to the gallery and the admin panel. When I typed in the user/pw in the admin login....It says it's incorrect :P

Checked my spelling, tried re-typing it several times. No luck.
The re-set request will be sent to my client's email so she'll know what a moron I've been. :lol:

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)

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