Thanks, Gunsmoke. I didn't come across that info anywhere in their instructions or on the LP forums.
Okay, first, did you enter the % in the Access Hosts area using cPanel?
So, I would put % in there (and nothing else) then for the form above, under Host, just put %?
Where would Port 3306 get entered?
I'll try changing the dashes to underscores, too.
Inger, I can get into the Cpanel just fine. I used the MySQL database wizard in Cpanel to create the database and add the user and permissions. The database required a separate Username and PW to be created.
This is their login example ( I would need to replace the hostname with the info I no longer have – can't believe this isn't listed with all the other account info).
hostname: (or
username: serverna_mydatabaseuser
database: serverna_mydatabase
password: pinkbunny
It would be nice if it's really as easy as plopping a % in there!