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Mending Kids isn't a huge site, Melissa. It averages about 170 unique hits a day. Don't believe everything you hear and read. Google does not publish a how-to regarding Sitelinks.

It's important to note that all SEO on the Mending Kids site is organic. They wouldn't use AdWords nor would I recommend it for them. For that matter, I wouldn't recommend it for your site either. AdWords is great for a business that serves the world, not a region. You would have to severely limit your campaigns to niche websites, and or discussion groups in order to be effective for only a region.

All you need are unique page titles, unique descriptions, a < h1 > or < h2 > header and compelling opening paragraph for each page to be effective with search engines. Keywords in your html are useless nowadays. It's better to use keywords in your page body and crank up the frequency by which they appear across the site.
Let's not get all hurt.
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Actually Adwords has replaced the Dex Yellow Pages for me, which was becoming obsolete as people moved to online searches instead of phone books. We were getting almost no business anymore from the Yellow Pages, so we dropped them and put the money into Adwords, which has replaced them in effectiveness. And we serve the entire continental United States, so that's a large enough target area for Adwords. But with targeting techniques, you can set them to cover just a state, or even just a city.

I limit my campaigns with keyword sets and targeting only the U.S. We get business sent from all over the U.S., to be served in the Denver area, which we cover.

And I can prove how effective Adwords is for us. I can turn it on 9-5 M-F and we get calls, and if I turn it off, the calls drop to nothing.

OF COURSE we'd love not to have to pay them, and be right at the top with organic listings, but the fact is, we're near the top for many keywords anyway, and I understand ( a rep of theirs told me this one time on the phone ) that some of the big company competitors are paying as much as $8.50 a click to be above the organic results. ( Which of course we couldn't afford! )

I'll double check your suggestions for the last paragraph there, and see if that helps. Thanks David. :)

Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
User 404575 Photo

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OK David, how do the page titles and all that look now? :)
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
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Your site looks much better with the recent alterations. One thing, which someone already has mentioned (Jo Ann probably): If you want your sitemap to be visible to the public, link to the file 'sitemap.html', not sitemap.xml. The public will want to see something they can understand, and the google bots will find the xml file anyway.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 2733 Photo

426 posts

Melissa Brookstone wrote:
OK David, how do the page titles and all that look now? :)

Much better, Melissa. Now, take 10-15 minutes and write at the very least a full, well-structured sentence for each page's description meta tag. DO NOT start the description using the page title OR the text in the H1/H2 tags. For the Area Coverage link, I would write something like this....

"Proud to serve due process for all of Denver inside the beltway, plus Highlands Ranch, and much of Golden, CO."

Your navigation link for Area Coverage links to coverage-area.html and the page title is Coverage Area. I would probably change the navigation link to Coverage Area as well for consistency.

Well done.
Let's not get all hurt.
User 404575 Photo

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Inger wrote:
Your site looks much better with the recent alterations. One thing, which someone already has mentioned (Jo Ann probably): If you want your sitemap to be visible to the public, link to the file 'sitemap.html', not sitemap.xml. The public will want to see something they can understand, and the google bots will find the xml file anyway.

Don't personally care that much, I just thought I'd heard that it helped in the SEO if it was linked to the pages. Does anyone know for sure?
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
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David Sellers wrote:
Melissa Brookstone wrote:
OK David, how do the page titles and all that look now? :)

Much better, Melissa. Now, take 10-15 minutes and write at the very least a full, well-structured sentence for each page's description meta tag. DO NOT start the description using the page title OR the text in the H1/H2 tags. For the Area Coverage link, I would write something like this....

"Proud to serve due process for all of Denver inside the beltway, plus Highlands Ranch, and much of Golden, CO."

Your navigation link for Area Coverage links to coverage-area.html and the page title is Coverage Area. I would probably change the navigation link to Coverage Area as well for consistency.

Well done.

OK, thanks David. Guess I misunderstood some of what you said.
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
User 404575 Photo

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Ok, there it is with the latest.

Oh, if anyone knows how I can make those padding changes without the page structure falling apart, or a complete redesign ( cant afford it ) I'm interested.

But I think we've made some important high quality changes, and unless anyone can think of anything else major, I'll go redo the sitemap and index it and all.

Much gratitude!
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10
User 2733 Photo

426 posts

.rightside > p, .leftside > p {
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 8px;
padding-top: 0;

I didn't use the shorthand syntax for the padding attrib. I don't know if you're familiar with it or not.

I would also consider doing away with the line-height attrib on your p tags. Just my opinion.
Let's not get all hurt.
User 404575 Photo

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887 posts

I'm not real familiar with anything. :|

Mine looks like this:

/*Left side and right side are your lower content areas. Borderleft and border right are for the vertical rule that separates your content. */
.leftside { float:left; width:410px; border-top:1px solid #0000BE; padding:0 8px; text-align:justify; }
.rightside { float:left; width:537px; border-top:1px solid #0000BE; padding:0 8px; text-align:justify; }

I'm so basic with this stuff, as you can see, that the designer had to put notes for me. :lol:

I just tried something like you had above and botched it all up.

Your code above doesn't seem to have everything mine needs?

Oh, the line height attributes were a suggestion from someone else, because I had huge spaces between things that were taking up too much vertical space between paragraphs.
Melissa Rhiannon
OS Windows 10

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