Responsive trends? - Post ID 224098

User 603315 Photo

Registered User
938 posts

I have become quite interested in the Responsive Web design off and on for months, but never done a website that is "Responsive". I think the reason for that is the way I use devices like Android and my wife has IPod touch so I can see what sites look like on an Iphone etc. I was just looking for feedback on what others think about it, I know it's probably not going to go away and so forth, but what's people's personal views on this?? When I view a website on a Android device for eg I always look at it from the Landscape mode and not portrait so responsive for me personally doesn't really help me I can read and view sites without pinching the screen, just wondered what others do.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,247 posts

I have one responsive site that was originally a CC template. It has been altered way beyond the original. I'm going to convert all of my sites eventually. I'm playing with the RLM a little as I get time. I think responsive is great but a lot of users could just as easily make a site for mobile users dedicated to them. I use redirects on another site to send mobile users to the appropriate page. To go responsive or to build separate site will be a user by user choice. Any new site I build will be responsive. It takes longer to build the one site but it's still faster then building and maintaining two sites.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 603315 Photo

Registered User
938 posts

Thanks Eric for your reply, I can always trust you to come back with your thoughts. Surely there's more than Eric who has an opinion on this??
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,567 posts

'Maintaining two sites' is the key word here. If you have a lot of maintenance, that would really be a pain in the butt.
I will also, eventually, when I get time, convert my sites to responsive. Google is rewarding it, and it is also better, when done right, for mobile users to see, say, if there are columns on the pages, to view each column covering the whole screen width and the next one below that, instead of all the columns squashed together as it would be if you open a non-responsive site on a phone.

There are cases where a redirect to a separate mobile site would be better. Newspaper sites, to mention an example, are usually very complex and would hardly fit into a grid or @media solution. Also, if the design of a site has been tailored to a specific width.
When I make new sites now, I do my best to keep them responsive, although I sometimes have some validation problems.

My tuppence...
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 603315 Photo

Registered User
938 posts

Thanks for that Inger, appreciate your input. It's also a good point you make about validation, think that may have to go out the window a bit, until w3 come up with responsive sites if that's their way forward.

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