file compression - Post ID 228299

User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts

I ran WI on a shopping cart I am working on. It lists files that should be compressed. The list is shown in attachment 1.
But, the names are truncated so I can't really see what files are being listed. If I click on one of the files in the list I get an Internet Explorer error, attachment 2.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Have you tried changing your default browser to Chrome, Firefox or Safari and see if that helps?
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User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts

Thanks Scott, That worked.

So here are the files. Should they really be compressed? Some were created by SCCP?

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Galen Garretson wrote:
Thanks Scott, That worked.

So here are the files. Should they really be compressed? Some were created by SCCP?


I would not recommend compressing the SCC scripts.
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User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts

I just compressed the last js entry above. Before it said could be compressed over 91%. Compressed it, uploaded it and ran WI again. Now it is saying it can be compressed more than 100%????

Is the file compression advice in WI really valid or trustworthy? I'm talking about for a guy like me, that would run the program and then see the results and just go by the recommendations and compress the files that WI says should be compressed.

"Speed is a big ranking factor with the search engines, so you want your website to load as fast as possible. More compact files take less time to load and therefore speed up your website and your visitor's experience. Use the built-in File Compressor App to reduce the size of these files."
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Galen Garretson wrote:
I just compressed the last js entry above. Before it said could be compressed over 91%. Compressed it, uploaded it and ran WI again. Now it is saying it can be compressed more than 100%????

Is the file compression advice in WI really valid or trustworthy? I'm talking about for a guy like me, that would run the program and then see the results and just go by the recommendations and compress the files that WI says should be compressed.

"Speed is a big ranking factor with the search engines, so you want your website to load as fast as possible. More compact files take less time to load and therefore speed up your website and your visitor's experience. Use the built-in File Compressor App to reduce the size of these files."

That is correct. That means it is fully compressed and cannot be compressed anymore.
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User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts

I'm sorry it is saying: " (Can be reduced by 100% or more)"

Very confusing language. I'd think it would drop off the list if it no longer needed compression.

I do want to thank you guys at CC. If it wasn't for your software I would not have been able to create the sites I have done so far. 2 for nonprofit agencies, 2 for businesses and 3 personal. Thanks.
User 113629 Photo

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36 posts

Galen Garretson wrote:
Very confusing language. I'd think it would drop off the list if it no longer needed compression.

It would help if the software used the correct terminology. The files are NOT being compressed, they are being "minified", to remove comments and unnecessary spaces, which is completely different. File compression is handled by the web server and does actually compress the files (i.e. gzip or deflate) to reduce bandwidth.
User 10077 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,096 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
That is correct. That means it is fully compressed and cannot be compressed anymore.

So the percentage shown is the amount that the file has already been compressed?
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