No, don't uninstall. I use Norton all the time. There is no threat. Norton is just looking at the filename and flagging it as a low risk because not many users have registered it with them. Of course, each new version that comes out has a different filename so Coffeecup programs will never be highly ranked by Norton.
You can do 1 of 3 things.
Just hit the 'Install Anyway' button and press on. Coffeecup will not pass a virus, it would kill their stellar reputation.
Or you can find out how to add Coffeecup to your list of exemptions so it never flags a Coffeecup program.
Or you can go to your settings, Web, and turn off the 'Download Insight' option. This is what is actually flagging the programs as risky because no one has registered them. This is what I did. Works great.
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