CoffeeCup After 10 Year Hiatus - Post...

User 461023 Photo

Trial User
10 posts

Last time I created a web page was in '07 on whatever version of CoffeeCup was hot at the time. Now I need to build a few simple sites so I came back to see what was up.

I have installed the trial and am poking around. I watched a basic tutorial. I was hoping for something somewhat wysiwyg.

Instead mostly I am just frustrating myself. Containers and pictures squeeze around the body like greased pigs. Nesting seems to not be a thing. I haven't discovered a way to layer.

Currently I am looking for a way to use an image as the back ground in a container and drop a gallery frame in one column and 4 stacked buttons on the other column. I am referring to the white right hand block and the white text points on the left hand side.

I am not clear on which version I should be using for my current project. I have tried both Bootstrap4 and Materialize (I think)

Any advice on which platform would be most appropriate would be appreciated. Tutorials also wanted. I know there is a learning curve, but right now I feel like its a totally foreign environment. I know. Ten years might as well be a Millennium.
User 2699991 Photo

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Stacy Turner wrote:
Last time I created a web page was in '07 on whatever version of CoffeeCup was hot at the time. Now I need to build a few simple sites so I came back to see what was up.

I have installed the trial and am poking around. I watched a basic tutorial. I was hoping for something somewhat wysiwyg.

Instead mostly I am just frustrating myself. Containers and pictures squeeze around the body like greased pigs. Nesting seems to not be a thing. I haven't discovered a way to layer.

Currently I am looking for a way to use an image as the back ground in a container and drop a gallery frame in one column and 4 stacked buttons on the other column. I am referring to the white right hand block and the white text points on the left hand side.

I am not clear on which version I should be using for my current project. I have tried both Bootstrap4 and Materialize (I think)

Any advice on which platform would be most appropriate would be appreciated. Tutorials also wanted. I know there is a learning curve, but right now I feel like its a totally foreign environment. I know. Ten years might as well be a Millennium.

Hello Stacy
Foundation is the framework most used by others on this forum and is possibly the one you would get most help & advice about, although there are users for Bootstrap & the materialize framework is getting more & more popular.
One of the biggest problems new users (& after 10 years I class you as a new user) is jumping straight in & trying to do something straight away without first finding the way around the new way of doing things, instead of using the trial period to get to know what things do, how to make them do what you want them to do, just simply playing around first, no need save a project if you make errors, just close & start again.
Use the time to really learn without the pressure of trying to get something real going. ask further questions on how to's on the forum if you get really stuck,

AND REMEMBER that it is better to start your layout/new project MOBILE first, (thats as far to the left just past the first default breakpoints (whichever framework you choose) it's difficult at first until you get used to it, but it is the better way to do it, and will save a lot of messing about later into a project.

From the image you attached, I am not really sure what you are trying to achieve is that an image of what you want to achieve or what you have created already

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User 187934 Photo

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Hi Stacy,
Welcome back, Yes a lot has changed in ten years. What ever frame work you decide to use just stick with it. I use Foundation myself but only because that's what I saw more users using an better help outside of CC on Foundations website. The best thing to do is to start small. Maybe play around with one of the built in themes to see how things interact.There's plenty of users on here that will help you achieve what you need. Be prepared with a project file and a site link to share showing what you have so far.

I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 461023 Photo

Trial User
10 posts

Yeah, I would call myself a new user too.
The attached (above) image is the goal for the simplest home page I have lined up. I have all the graphics built and stuff, so I am, at this point just playing around with it trying to get familiar with the platforms.

Given my inexperience and the sample goal, any additional opinion on which program to use? Beyond Foundation having more users? Not that that isn't an excellent consideration ; - }
User 122279 Photo

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10, or actually 12 years is a long time, and much has happened during those years. The biggest change is probably the 'responsive revolution', since mobile devices are more and more taking over as the main means of accessing the web. This means, that websites need to be 'flexible', so that they display nicely on all kind of screen sizes. And if you were used to flash apps back then, forget about those completely, because they don't work any more.

I'd say you have two options:
1. Get the HTML Editor, and then learn the ins and outs of html5 and css3 before you start on your project. It is possible to use frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation or Materialize manually by installing a couple of source files.

2. If that doesn't sound very tempting, choose Site Designer, at the moment we're on version 3.5, and learn to build sites in a new way, which is starting with mobile sized screens. For new beginners I usually recommend following the video tutorials here: … -designer/ . It is based on Foundation, but it is mainly the basics of using Site Designer (in short SD3.5) that is the reason why I recommend it. Once you know the basics, you can choose whichever you want of the other frameworks supported.
SD3.5 is not quite WYSIWYG, but you get a long way without coding.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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