hardware question for newbie - Post...

User 2913683 Photo

1 post

hi. I feel a little out of my league here as I am just starting to learn code but I have a very basic question.

how good are new iPads (iPad Pro) for web design?
I am not sure how thoroughly I will learn code. so I will have a mix of using code, drawing and using platforms.
my other option is a MacBook Pro.
thank you.
User 122279 Photo

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There is a video on using tablets for web design here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqSEGKf0Sn0
I have no experience in using any of the programmes mentioned in that video, but it might be easier than it looks. You won't know until you have tried.

You say you want to learn code. Are you talking about html and css? I learnt that over 20 years ago by hand coding on a Windows PC using Notepad. Surely, if you went for a MacBook,it will have a similar straight forward text editor. I can only imagine, that using a regular desktop or laptop machine would be easier. Mind you, if you want to use some CMS, like WordPress, Joomla etc, you could probably build a site using a tablet, but I don't know if you would actually be able to LEARN code by doing it. Code should be learnt first, before you start building a site, I guess.

Since this is a forum for users of programmes by CoffeeCup software, all I can say is, that they don't produce anything for tablets. I don't know if you find anyone here who can advise you.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2885808 Photo

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Just have a good look through the Coffee cup programs as I feel they are fantastic for people with some knowledge but you don't have to be an expert. Hope that helps. Pete
Peter Heath - #cleanupcrewcleaners
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User 2912936 Photo

5 posts

I rarely use notepad for coding.if you are a new programmer and just learn the coding then you should learnt it on notepad any other easy text pad.

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