not authorized to view - Post ID 242041

User 2738095 Photo

Trial User
6 posts

I just downloaded CoffeeCup Free FTP, and tried to put information about the server in, and it says: 401 - You are not authorized to view this page.
So, I don't know what I did wrong. I tried a different server that I have a password to, but that said the same thing. :(
I definitely need help!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

That means you configured an S-Drive connection. You need to click the Servers Toolbar Icon and then the Green + icon.
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User 2738095 Photo

Trial User
6 posts

thx. Now for a FTP server it says:
There was a problem receiving data across the network. Check your system for firewalls and antivirus programs that may be blocking the program's network access. You could also try to change the Passive mode setting for this server. [56] Additional information: Recv failure: Connection was reset.

I don't know how to check for firewalls? Can that mean that I have the incorrect password?

Also, I thought that Coffee Cup gives some space on an S-Drive connection, so we can test things out for a bit... How would I connect to / use this S-Drive connection, When I try to I still get 401 - You are not authorized to view this page

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

karen-kyle wrote:
thx. Now for a FTP server it says:
There was a problem receiving data across the network. Check your system for firewalls and antivirus programs that may be blocking the program's network access. You could also try to change the Passive mode setting for this server. [56] Additional information: Recv failure: Connection was reset.

I don't know how to check for firewalls? Can that mean that I have the incorrect password?

Also, I thought that Coffee Cup gives some space on an S-Drive connection, so we can test things out for a bit... How would I connect to / use this S-Drive connection, When I try to I still get 401 - You are not authorized to view this page


Make sure you check Passive Mode.

If you want to use S-Drive, you need to configure an S-Drive connection. Click the Servers Toolbar Icon then the Black Gear Icon and enter your CoffeeCup Credentials.
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User 2738095 Photo

Trial User
6 posts

:) cool! I checked the Passive Mode and it works great now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you! I'd send you a piece of pie to go with your coffee if I could!
User 2738095 Photo

Trial User
6 posts

So, what went wrong? It was working fine that ONE day, after I checked the Passive Mode... it worked several times. Then I shut my computer off. The next day, and ever since, it hasn't connected again. It says the same:

(for a FTP server)
There was a problem receiving data across the network. Check your system for firewalls and antivirus programs that may be blocking the program's network access. You could also try to change the Passive mode setting for this server. [56] Additional information: Recv failure: Connection was reset.

I thought maybe the person on the other side changed the password, but he says he didn't. So why would it stop connecting, all I did was turn the computer off and back on???
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

karen-kyle wrote:
So, what went wrong? It was working fine that ONE day, after I checked the Passive Mode... it worked several times. Then I shut my computer off. The next day, and ever since, it hasn't connected again. It says the same:

(for a FTP server)
There was a problem receiving data across the network. Check your system for firewalls and antivirus programs that may be blocking the program's network access. You could also try to change the Passive mode setting for this server. [56] Additional information: Recv failure: Connection was reset.

I thought maybe the person on the other side changed the password, but he says he didn't. So why would it stop connecting, all I did was turn the computer off and back on???

That is your problem. Why would you ever, ever turn off your computer? ;)

Check your anti-virus, firewalls or any security settings and see if they changed. When you reboot, that always resets everything.
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User 2738095 Photo

Trial User
6 posts

lol... I needed SLEEP! and I hate those flashing lights!!! So I turn it completely off and unplug it from the wall. Those little lights drive me batty.
I don't even know if I have a so I didn't change any of those settings.

If somebody changed a setting where the site is hosted, could that have messed up the connection???

Or, since I'm on satellite... I'm wondering... both times I got a connection was in the evening. Could that error message have been because maybe the connection is slower during the day???
User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

karen-kyle wrote:
lol... I needed SLEEP! and I hate those flashing lights!!! So I turn it completely off and unplug it from the wall. Those little lights drive me batty.
I don't even know if I have a so I didn't change any of those settings.

If somebody changed a setting where the site is hosted, could that have messed up the connection???

Or, since I'm on satellite... I'm wondering... both times I got a connection was in the evening. Could that error message have been because maybe the connection is slower during the day???

Unplug it? :lol: You are like my wife, she unplugs everything, she claims it saves energy.

I tell her it does save electricity but drains my energy having to plug it all back in...
User 2738095 Photo

Trial User
6 posts

See, great minds think alike... you need to give your wife something extra special for saving you all that money. :)
If several things are plugged in one power strip, all you have to plug in is the strip... that won't drain much of your energy... lol... plus it's getting you to exercise for free - less than going to the gym, so your saving money there too!!!

So, I'm really thinking that this person changed the password on me in order to kick me off the job... using my inability to hook up to the FTP as an excuse. I hate thinking negative about a person, but nothing else makes sense.

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