Testing... - Post ID 279281

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,581 posts

Testing, please ignore.

I've had problems posting here since Thursday afternoon. Every time I tried, I was thrown out and met a page saying Forbidden. I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem. It seems to work if I post here where everybody has access, but not in the other topics where you have to be at least a registered user.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2765857 Photo

Registered User
614 posts

Inger wrote:
Testing, please ignore.

I've had problems posting here since Thursday afternoon. Every time I tried, I was thrown out and met a page saying Forbidden. I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem. It seems to work if I post here where everybody has access, but not in the other topics where you have to be at least a registered user.

Inger just had same problem for the past few hours seems to be intermittent ??? Got the "Forbidden" had to clear history etc. Then was able to get back in and had same problem but now seems ok for now.
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"
User 2765857 Photo

Registered User
614 posts

Inger wrote:
Testing, please ignore.

I've had problems posting here since Thursday afternoon. Every time I tried, I was thrown out and met a page saying Forbidden. I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem. It seems to work if I post here where everybody has access, but not in the other topics where you have to be at least a registered user.

Inger just let u know spoke to soon had same problem when I went to check new posts the forbidden came back and was stuck had to clear history cache and then resign in. Oh well maybe it will be working tomorrow.
Ray aka Kreations
Since 1994 Chocolate bar wrappers for all occasions.
Since 1972 helping clients help "Discover Their Dream Vacation"
User 2898519 Photo

18 posts


New trial user here. Could this be a related problem since I cannot start a new post on the forum?
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,581 posts

As a trial user you cannot post in other groups than this one. Once you have bought some programme from Coffeecup, you become a registered user, and then you can post in all the groups.
The problem we are experiencing now is, that some of us registered users get error messages when posting in the other groups. I hope CC get it sorted soon.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2898519 Photo

18 posts


@Inger, I cannot even post on this sub forum for some reason.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,581 posts

Well, you have posted, twice. If you have tried to post in any of the threads that have a red square, they are closed and nobody can post in them.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 2898519 Photo

18 posts


Yes, replying an existing post in this sub forum. That wasn't my question. I am unable to start a new post on the forum including this sub forum.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,581 posts

Then it must be because the permissions for non-registered users are limited. But to know for sure, open a support ticket and ask. https://www.coffeecup.com/help/myroom/
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,253 posts

They're are trial user so they wont be able to post to threads until they make a purchase and become a registered user.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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