wishlist on cart - Post ID 139500

User 2246690 Photo

Registered User
18 posts

Hello, I am looking for a simple shopping cart program that will allow us to display our inventory on the site in an organized fashion for customers to look at items by category or find in an advanced search. However, we no not ship. All our products are picked up at our store. We do allow some products to be ordered in advanced, but payment and ick up still happen in store. Do you have a "add to wishlist" feature that customers could create and print or email to us from the shopping cart sotware for the items that cannot be ordered in advanced but purchased in store?

Also, is there a way to upload products from excel or a csv. ?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hi Heather

Shopping Cart Creator Pro does have some of that functionality, but there is no "add to wish list" type of feature. You would just need to add a contact form to the product details page so they can contact you for more information on that particular product.

SCC Pro also allows you to import your data from a csv file.

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User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

You could also do what some others do and just upload the cart as a Catalog (no purchasing buttons show up at all on the site this way) and then include the form as Scott mentions, or as I suggested someone else yesterday (deja vu lol) to create a really nice form that people could order from you ahead of time via the form which has all your products listed on it with the right SKU numbers or ID's you use in the store and then it's emailed to you. You could have the orders ready ahead of time that way for them or alert them of out of stock items etc. Lots you can do with a little imagination and a few software tools :)
User 2246690 Photo

Registered User
18 posts

The catalog option witf a form sounds gret. Is the catalog feature in the current shopping cart creator? I can't find any information on it.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

That is one of the new features found in Shopping Cart Creator Pro.


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User 471275 Photo

1,130 posts

You would just need to add a contact form to the product details page so they can contact you for more information on that particular product.

Can you use the CC web form builder for that? or does it have to be a php contact form?


User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Yes, that will actually work quite well. ;)
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User 471275 Photo

1,130 posts

Scott.. yes what? the CC form builder or a php form? or both.. missing that part of the answer :D

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Yes, you can use CoffeeCup Form Builder or any PHP form mailer. ;)
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2246690 Photo

Registered User
18 posts

I see that Pro is not available for trial yet, but is there a chance I could see a screen shot of a catalog or might anyone have this feature up and running on their site?

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