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Leverage Browser Caching

Browser caching is a simple way to reduce the number of HTTP requests from a users browser to your server, thus improving loading times, website performance and even the user experience. Reducing...

Responsive Button Builder Quick Start Guide

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Getting to know the Button Builder Workspace Chapter 2: General Settings Tab...

Chapter 1: Getting to know the Responsive Button Builder Workspace

    1: Breakpoint Management & Width Indicator You can add or remove breakpoints with the plus and minus buttons. The numbers to the right show the current width of the...

Chapter 2: General Settings Tab

The General Tab is where you can edit the general settings of your button. Such as Text, Text Padding, width and more! Below is a list of the settings and what they do!    ...

Chapter 3: Design Properties Tab

All the cool kids love the Design tab. This tab allows for background manipulation, color disposition, image refrigeration, border contortions, corner roundafication and shadow relocation. (Yes,...

Chapter 4: Font Properties Tab

On the Font Properties tab you can set your font style and shadow settings, for both the Main Text and Secondary Text.      Font: Choose from a wide array of web...

Chapter 5: Icon Properties Tab

Want to add a cool Icon to your button? Well this is the place for that. The Icon Tab allows you to add Icomoon Webfonts . Yes, you read that correctly, these are fonts not images. Which...

Chapter 6: Sizer and Breaker

Resonsive Web Design Responsive web design is a technique used to build websites and website components (like a web form , navigation menu or button) that are easily view-able and usable,...

Chapter 8: Responsive Button Builder Frequently Asked Questions

  How to add multiple buttons to your website How to add Button to your VSD Website Adding your button to WordPress Adding your button to Joomla How to Build...

Implementing Structured Data

The concept of structured data By adding descriptive code or markup to the HTML of web pages, search engines can get a better understanding of what your content is about. This better...

Adding your button to WordPress

Have a WordPress Blog and wish to add your button to it? Don't panic, we're here to help, this article will walk you through a couple of scenarios our users have encountered. Exporting...

Adding your button to Joomla

Got a Joomla site that needs a button? Planning to use the CoffeeCup Button Builder to create it? Then this article is for you. Just follow these instructions and you'll have your button up...

How to build different shapes

We all know that buttons come in all shapes and sizes. We thought it best to provide you with a few examples of the shapes you can make and how to create them!  Circle To build a circle...

Responsive Layout Maker Settings

Wondering what are the settings for in Responsive Layout Maker and how you can use them to your benefit? Here will will show you what each of these are used for and walk you through some examples...

How to place multiple buttons next to each other

If you are looking to add multiple buttons to your page and have them line up nicely, this article will be a starter for that. Just note that each page is different so this is just a starting...

What are the System Requirements to use RLM

Most people don't want to even worry about server/system requirements, because it can be complicated stuff. There are however a few things you need to be aware of in order to install Responsive...

What not to do when using Dreamweaver and WFB

When exporting your form to a Dreamweaver project there are a few things that you need to know first. Your form is exported in a _exported folder which holds all your form...

Chapter 6: Importing Users

Yep! There are several ways to import users into Website Access Manager. Import from your computer Import from the web Import from your Server Import from...

Website Access Manager Quick Start Guide

With Website Access Manager (WAM) you can Password-protect your members-only areas quickly and easily. There are a ton of reasons to create members-only areas of your website. It puts you...

Chapter 1: Getting to know the Website Access Manager Workspace

Website Access Manager can do some many things for your website that it is hard to mention them all. Here you will find a basic layout of the Workspace in WAM. Wam Workspace...

Chapter 2: Behind the Scenes of Website Access Manager

In order to effectively use Website Access Manager, it’s necessary to understand how the software and the underlying process work. Looking for detailed but easy-to-understand information...

Chapter 3: New Profile Wizard Walkthrough

When you first open Website Access Manager, you will be prompted to create a new profile. The first step checks to see if your server is compatible with the program. Because .htaccess only works...

Chapter 4: General Overview

In this walkthrough, we’re going to cover how to create and edit users, and then how to grant and remove access to parts of your website. Step 1: Adding a user Step 2: Adding...

Chapter 5: Working with Redirection Settings

Custom Error Pages You can use one of the included themes or make one of your very own. To add your own custom theme click the Create New Theme button and enter your theme name....

Website Access Manager Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Server Requirements to Use Website Access Manager? You should be running an Apache or Apache-compatible server (lighttpd and EhttpD work too). The program actually comes with a...

Website Access Manager Keyboard Shortcuts

You can perform the most commonly used functions in Website Access Manager using keyboard shortcuts. Below is a complete list of all the keyboard shortcuts available in the program:...

Chapter 4: Refining Your Design

Responsifying the Design The preview (and editing) area in Responsive Layout Maker is an actual browser. This has the advantage that the design will look and behave exactly like it will when...

Open Graph & Twitter Card

“A day wasted on others is not wasted on one’s self.” - Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities What does this quote have to do with Open Graph and Twitter Card? Allow us...

Editing the Remaining Pages

Need a little more pratice? In this article we explain how to edit the HTML and CSS of the remaining pages of our project. Follow along with the instructions and your Nova theme will be up and...

A Website Needs to Adapt... or Die

Preface: A Mobile Explosion It was the end of 2009, about 8 years after the dot-com bubble burst; the Internet counts close to 200 million domain names, and over 230 million websites (none of...