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Free Responsive Email Themes

Download Free RED Themes Spark your design creativity using our hand-crafted responsive templates or simply use them to learn a trick or two. They are 100% customizable and can be edited...

Theme Preview for Foundation Framer

10 epic themes for Foundation Framer. Spark your design creativity using our hand-crafted responsive templates or simply use them to learn a trick or two. They are 100% customizable and can...

A Responsive Email in 6 steps

Coding and designing responsive newsletters is hard Email professionals say making a custom, responsive email takes days. They would be right— if it weren't for...

Convert a static email to a responsive design

From an unreadable newsletter, to a responsive version in just a few hours I got this email from Zappos™ with the intriguing subject “Update regarding Zappos emails…”...

Adding Google CSE to Responsive Site Designer

Adding Google Custom Search Engine to RSD When adding a Google Custom Search Engine box to your Responsive Site Designer page, some styles for the search box may get overridden by styles...

Understanding ReCAPTCHA in Web Form Builder

Web Form Builder comes with a built-in security system if you choose to use it: "I am not a robot" or a reCAPTCHA box. You've seen them on the web before, and likely used a few of these...

Contact Lists in Web Form Builder

Good day to you, web form building enthusiast! Want to use a drop-down menu as a contact list? Notice that "Use as Contact List" checkbox under the Drop Down element? Let's take...

Installing wordpress

We all know that WordPress one of the most popular content management system out there. Users are often overwhelmed with the idea of installing Wordpress thinking that the process is overly...

Design Responsive Tables with Flexbox

Flexbox makes responsive table design a lot easier Tables have always posted a bit of a problem in responsive design. Depending on the table type and use-case, the challenge could be big...or...

Bootstrap and Foundation Component Library Collection

The Components Library Collection Website components are elements, or a combination of elements, that are transformed into interactive features using special attributes and...

Responsive Site Designer Video Tutorials

Responsive Site Designer V1 & V2 videos Working with our responsive apps is intuitive, fast & easy. Of course we would say that, right? There’s plenty of proof for that...

What is a Robots.TXT File

What is a robots.txt File? Sometimes we need to let search engine robots know that certain information should not be retrieved and stored by them. One of the most common methods for defining...

The top apps for responsive design

Which app is right for you We offer several different responsive design apps for users of all skill levels - from the code-masters to the beginners. With so many options available, you may not...

Bonus Responsive Email Themes

Free Responsive Email Theme Rejoice — we’re giving you complimentary, mobile-friendly email designs! These quick start templates are lightly styled to make it easy to dive in and...

Syncing with Symbols

Sync your navigation menu across your website project! Symbols are an awesome time-saving feature when it comes to managing commonly used items in your site. When an item is saved as a Symbol,...

Absolute vs. Relative Paths/Links

Still today, one of the more tricky and confusing things about HTML is linking to other pages and sites, especially when absolute and relative paths come into play. But worry not! Creating links...

Apply a page background

Apply a Background to your Page In just a few simple steps you can apply a background color or image to the entire project of your site or on a single page. These steps work across all of our...

Responsive Site Design in 10 Steps

Responsive Website Design Cheat Sheet Ready to start building an awesome website but don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered. I’ll break down the fundamentals for...

Create a favicon

Add a fun favicon, short for favorite icon, which is a tiny graphic that appears in the web browser tab when your site is opened. These icons are also used by mobile phones when saving a webpage...

Adding and managing images in RED

Working with images and graphics in Responsive Email Designer Before you can export/send your email creation, you must first decide how your email images will be hosted. You see, images are...

Transitions and Animations in RSD

So you’ve got all the content of your page down, along with most of your design. You are almost ready to publish- but there is still one thing missing. Even though your website is...

6 Visual Tips for Killer Emails

6 Visual Tips for Killer Emails Emails, emails, emails. Even though some people probably feel like they are practically drowning in emails and newsletters, it’s still a...

Gmail Authentication for RED

Connecting RED to a Gmail account Google recently changed their security measures for certain (not all) Gmail accounts. We are currently working on implementing a different protocol that is...

design responsively with content marketing

5 Reasons Why Responsive Website Design and Content Marketing Should Work Together Responsive web design is everywhere nowadays. In short, this is a feature of a website which automatically...

Creating Links with Responsive Site Designer

Create links to files, documents, external pages, anchors, email address and phone numbers. Responsive Site Designer makes it easy to link to other pages, files, and documents. You can...

Responsive Email Designer Quick Start Guide

INTRODUCTION Email based customer interaction and newsletter marketing has drastically grown in importance for all types of companies over the past few years. Despite the critical nature of...

The case for email marketing

Does The Old ‘Email Newsletter’ Still Work In Today’s World? (With Examples) Ah, email newsletters; my inbox is full of them, and hearing those words...

Create a Nested Menu from Scratch

One of the most important parts of a website is the navigation menu. The navigation menu is like the roadmap the user must follow in order to reach their destination. Make the journey...

Building emails for Outlook

Design Conditionally for Outlook With RED Building great looking campaigns that work on Outlook has always been a challenge. While being one of the most popular email clients on the market, it...

Hook in a Form Builder script to Form Designer

Hook a Web Form Builder script with Form Designer Form Designer is a fantastic front-end design tool for creating interactive forms that are unique and responsive. It works by connecting...