Support Articles

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I Receive an Error That Refers to MFC42.dll.

When you receive this error, it means that the version of MFC42.dll on your computer is older than the one installed with the program. For whatever reason, the file is not being updated during...

How to Add Comments to Your HTML.

A comment is text that doesn't show up on the page, but does show up in the code. Web designers often use comments in their code for reference purposes. To add comments to a page in...

What is a Horizontal Rule?

A horizontal rule (<hr>) is a line that goes across a webpage, like so: That was just a default horizontal rule — it's totally possible to create stylish ones, too! To...

What is an Image Map?

An image map is an image that acts as a link, but instead of simply acting as a link to a single page, the image acts as a link to multiple pages. For instance, say you have a map of the United...

What is CD-DA or DAE?

The process of direct reading the audio data is called CD Digital Audio (CD-DA) or sometimes referred to as "Digital Audio Extraction" (DAE) or as "CD ripping" . CoffeeCup CD & MP3 Ripper uses...