I'm trying to add it onto an existing site; for example: mysite.com/shop/. I've tried publishing from within CCSC and get the all was successful message - but the files are not on the server, and I can't figure out where they would have been sent to. Also tried using CC Direct FTP, but can't even connect to the server to get started - keep getting an error message about the server trying to send an unidentified http request. I finally got some of the files uploaded by using the add files function in VSD, then re-publishing the VSD site. So now my public_html/shop/ folder has some files in it. But I don't know what else it needs to get working. When I try to see the cart online, I get a 500 error (internal server error).
Here's what's on the server so far:
Info: Vista Home Premium, latest versions of CCSC and VSD, all firewalls off, passive mode on. Have read all the instructions and trawled through the forums.
Going to take a break now and hope someone has some ideas to try when I come back.
Just talk Really Slow so I might be able to understand what your saying!