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Just make sure that when you upload your photos that you keep them square shaped. Example: 400pxl x 400pxl. This way when the thumbnail is generated it does not have to put a background on it to keep the portions correct so that the photo is not distorted.
(original post by Kim in CCSC Tips & Tricks)
Follow up comment by Jennifer Rosewarne
Hi, I have build 7775 and the default css file does not have the exact line you quote - it does have however have a line that looks very close - .scs_productlist .scs_productlist_item .scs_thumbnail_image{width:100px;}
However after I changed the value to 200px and uploaded it - it made absolutely no differnce - the size was still 100px
Any ideas please?
Follow up comment by Denny Day
Does this only work in designer? I have Creator, I switched to 210px, and no changes showed up. Any ideas?