Well. i have a few that i started from 2001, but only a couple worth looking at now, i am in the process of redoing a couple, and i have added a new one that my husband and i share.
My newest is a paid, the one my hubbie and i share:
Name: MeDe Fix It And Design
Description: It's a website i just started less than a week ago for my husband and i to hopefully get some notice on our c areer choices, but it is still in the works, as you may find on a few of the pages, but will be done for the most part reall soon ( contending with school same time of web designing)
Tools Used: I started out using the geocities easy editor, plus do some html editing, know some. now learning coffee cup editor and ftp.
Authors/Team: Me
Another that is still okay, is my angelfire:
http://www.angelfire.com/art/mymindswor … escape.htm
Name: DreamEscape Cafe
Description: Just my first site i ever built. about me, and an idea i had for a style. now is also a site of sultry rose signatures displayed in a way they never seen before, signed my guest book with high compliments, and now will stay as it is. may work a little more on it in time, like add more info.
tools used: angelfire editor, html
authors/team: me
the one i am currently redoing now:
Name: Dawn's Mystic Cafe!
Description: It started out as a my personal website, trying to see the difference between angelfire and geocities, then i just added my favorites to it and then friends, and different designs i liked, and the web page sets i make (not templates - not really) which includes a blank button and i customize sets for those who request. Something else i enjoy doing. then i decided i was gonna put a childrens page on there. then over the years i decided to change this and that and in doing so it became a mess (in my eyes). so now I am doing a new scheme, which is just in the starts. i warn you, the home link on top goes to my old site which may b e a mess. have deleted images and songs since renovation started, but some pages are still in tact.
Tools used: geocities easy editor, advanced HTML, and now will be attempting to use coffeecup editor (HTML/VSD)
Authors/Team: Me
I do all my own work

and as it may not be visible, not sure, i have in the past gotten many compliments on my work so decided to take up Graphic/Web Design in college, thus school tuesday and thursday nights.
over the years i have taught myself the html i know now, and also have experienced in editing graphics, and now i have PSP9, which makes it even easier to edit. i have recently also just started creating my own images, from scratch, as will show in my last site which is the one i am redoing.
Please excuse the mess again if you venture futher than the pages i have done on Dawn's Mystic Cafe, i am currently working on my "midi jukebox selection" pages, which is what sent me finding coffeecup (looking for an FTP).