So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2383

User 428900 Photo

Registered User
651 posts

Off Roading Site:

My worthless site:

But it has 2 decent sub domains:



Tools used: Hammer, swear words

Desc: Poorly neglected site. (the mapzone one)

Author: Me

Im sure you can tell I read an article about targeting search engines with sub-domains :)

Mike is right, sometimes its better to start with a template you like them customize it. That way you have something to build on.
User 428900 Photo

Registered User
651 posts

Oops, my mistake. It was your post I was quoting not Mikes.
User 2209775 Photo

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108 posts

OOOH Twitchy's got herself a new website! is a whole new approach to helping you help your pet.

Every article on the site is written by me or one of my members. We have forums where you can ask a pet professional a question directly.

I have free for life advertising for rescue groups and my regular ad rates are reasonable.

I am hoping to get some video training in the future and the Coffee Cup Web Camera thingy you have just might be the item I can use for this feature!

I have over 30 years professional and non-professional experience with all kinds of animals and behavioral issues are my specialty.

I have always had a gift with animals and since I cannot physically work with animals I opened this site so that others can learn from my experiences.

Please come take a look, pass along the site to your friends who need some help and maybe say hello yourselves.
I have an international membership and the site is truly informative.

User 4539 Photo

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540 posts

Great age calculators! My cats are each 57 people-equivalent years old! That's three years older than me! No wonder they look down on me! :D
Mostly just lurking these days ...
User 309437 Photo

Trial User
18 posts

Well. i have a few that i started from 2001, but only a couple worth looking at now, i am in the process of redoing a couple, and i have added a new one that my husband and i share.

My newest is a paid, the one my hubbie and i share:

Name: MeDe Fix It And Design
Description: It's a website i just started less than a week ago for my husband and i to hopefully get some notice on our c areer choices, but it is still in the works, as you may find on a few of the pages, but will be done for the most part reall soon ( contending with school same time of web designing)
Tools Used: I started out using the geocities easy editor, plus do some html editing, know some. now learning coffee cup editor and ftp.
Authors/Team: Me

Another that is still okay, is my angelfire:

site: … escape.htm

Name: DreamEscape Cafe

Description: Just my first site i ever built. about me, and an idea i had for a style. now is also a site of sultry rose signatures displayed in a way they never seen before, signed my guest book with high compliments, and now will stay as it is. may work a little more on it in time, like add more info.

tools used: angelfire editor, html

authors/team: me

the one i am currently redoing now:


Name: Dawn's Mystic Cafe!

Description: It started out as a my personal website, trying to see the difference between angelfire and geocities, then i just added my favorites to it and then friends, and different designs i liked, and the web page sets i make (not templates - not really) which includes a blank button and i customize sets for those who request. Something else i enjoy doing. then i decided i was gonna put a childrens page on there. then over the years i decided to change this and that and in doing so it became a mess (in my eyes). so now I am doing a new scheme, which is just in the starts. i warn you, the home link on top goes to my old site which may b e a mess. have deleted images and songs since renovation started, but some pages are still in tact.

Tools used: geocities easy editor, advanced HTML, and now will be attempting to use coffeecup editor (HTML/VSD)

Authors/Team: Me

I do all my own work :) and as it may not be visible, not sure, i have in the past gotten many compliments on my work so decided to take up Graphic/Web Design in college, thus school tuesday and thursday nights.

over the years i have taught myself the html i know now, and also have experienced in editing graphics, and now i have PSP9, which makes it even easier to edit. i have recently also just started creating my own images, from scratch, as will show in my last site which is the one i am redoing.

Please excuse the mess again if you venture futher than the pages i have done on Dawn's Mystic Cafe, i am currently working on my "midi jukebox selection" pages, which is what sent me finding coffeecup (looking for an FTP).
User 37670 Photo

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2,138 posts

Hi Ladybratte,
I was having a look at your sites, and on the second one, from Anglefire. com, there was so much advertising, and then my Antivirus pops up and says that it stopped a commet curser which it felt was some sort of spyware.

Since you are trying to start a business, I would recommend never placing any business or paid for website on a free hosting company that has advertising on it. I understand that this is just a personal web page, but please be careful of where you choose to host your sites. Geosites also seems to have a lot of adds on it, but I did not visit your last site because of the fun I had on the angelfire site.
Good Luck,
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
User 309437 Photo

Trial User
18 posts

thank you Cliff, you just reminded me what i had to fix on my angelfire site. that comet cursor has been giving my viewers a hard time for a while now, and i have meant to take it off, but i had forgotten the password, anmd was unable to get into the webshell to remove it for awhile. so i had started moving that site to my geos. i was finally able to get into my angelfire and couldn't remember why i was moving it to begin with. the comet cursor was nice back in 2001 when it first came out, and i thought it was cute, now it's a nuissance to my viewers.

and the adds, unfortunately i only have one paid site, which is the one for my husband and my business, it's being paid for me as a gift as we also can not afford it right now. but when i am able to afford it, i am looking to go with coffeecup (or bludonimoe as it said). i liked their extreme package. and once i am able to afford that, i am going to move All my sites over. but for now i only have my free sites as proof of my work.

And thank you for the advise about placing my paid site, i hadn't realized i had placed it on a free. with school, and fixing up all my sites, my mind is kinda short lately. lol I'll have to check on that. i know i hadn't planned on placing my B site on any of my personals, but i was gonna use my personals on my B site as portfolio, (as i said earlier, they're all i have for now to show as work created by me). but i need to fix them up first before i place them on my portfolio. showing them off in a forum where i can put an extensive explanation that they are under repair and renovation, is one thing, but to put on my site like that i just cannot bring myself to do. besides in here, most everyone does their own so they're gonna understand the construction (i hope)

But i am glad you enjoyed my angelfire (besides for the comet cursor).

Ps. Okay, I just cecked out my angelfire, and I'm not happy with the adds. it looks like i am still gonna follow through with moving it to my geos. Geos has adds, but you can hit their arrow and minimize them, those adds on my angel fire are not supposed to be pop-ups anymore. I had the option of making the adds popups or fixed on my site. originally i had them as pop-ups, but they never went away, and was annoying, so i switched it to affix the adds to my site, but it was only on the top. now they have adds at the top, the bottom, and as pop-ups. aaaerrrgggggg Mybe i'll use some of my paid space and create a subdomain for my angelfire site (if i can figure out the subdomains). then there will be no ads
User 225197 Photo

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3 posts

My names Becky, I invite you guys to come take a look at my site :)


Name: Backroom Gaming (Online and Mobile Casino)

Description: Just a quick temporary website. Basically set up to collect the sign ups.
The official site will be up in about a month.
Done by a professional.
It's going to be a huge online poker site,
so if you play poker sign up !!

Tools Used: VSD, Form Builder, Menu Builder. And then there's the Macromedia Programs -way too complicated for a blonde ;)

Authors/Team: Me & my boyfriend

:) You're welcome to email me with any questions or comments at:
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Hi All,
Just messing about with this for a friend who has an ice cream parlour and wants to be able to do his own maintenance and handling of the site. I have set up something which he will easily be able to alter according to his own needs, (for which he has purchased VisualSite Designer and is just now trying to get his head around it).
Not quite finished, and based on the input given me by the friend of his own photos etc.
I have used VisualSite Designer, Flash Form Builder, HTML Editor, FTP Client and will soon be adding something in with the Flash Gallery. The Color Schemer has proved extremely useful also.

ps.Have now added other elements on site created with Flash Image Gallery and Video Player
User 304944 Photo

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5 posts

This is my first attemp at creating and posting a site for my part time photography business. I used Visual Site Designer and Flash Photo Gallery. Even though I had a couple problems with the software I'm pretty happy. I like the ease of use. I used to use a photoreflect template site but now I use my own with a link to them for just posting and selling my photos.

So far I'm content with the page layout and look however I keep thinking it needs a little more color or snap. I want my site to be simple to navigate and get information, elequent looking (it is a portrait photography business), but eye catching. The main page and photo gallery are pretty much the way I'm going to leave them but the other pages still need some images to complement the information text. I'm also thinking of adding a link that will allow my customers to download my pricing and contracts but am not sure how to do that yet. I'm sure it's simple.

If anyone would like to comment or give me some suggestions I would be very appreciative.

I do not want to be subscribed to the "suggestions for software" anymore. Please remove me so I don't recieve any more emails. Thanks.

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