So, What's Your Website - Post ID 2440

User 447751 Photo

Trial User
3 posts

don't have a website yet :( i'm still struggling with all those technical stuff. i'm not that tech-savvy. but no matter, i'll be able to finish it and post it here then!

CRM software
User 37670 Photo

Registered User
2,138 posts

I have been around these forums for a while, and now I finally have a web page that I can post! Most, if not all of my web experience has been in E-Learning or web training of some sort, and it's pretty much all password protected.
I started a little project that I hope to build on for myself and the web site is....

Not much there for now. Real busy with work but hope to add some content and colour it up a bit.
E-Learning Specialist is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.
User 392328 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Hello all!

Web site address: Pulling For Peace

I learned a very minimal amount of basic HTML as a part of a certificate program in a local community college.

I earned two certificates. "Microcomputer Operator", and "Microcomputer Business Applications Specialist".

After completing the certificate program, I "played" a bit with html, creating 2 personal web pages (which are no longer online). As a tournament director in an online pinochle league, I used my basic HTML knowledge to create several web pages for game-specific rules, decorated tournament pages, and a few other league related pages.

I am now Webmaster for an individual who is currently in the process of establishing a non-profit organization, in the name of "Pulling For Peace". This is my first experience with actually building a full Web site! And, I'm learning as I go! lol.

I purchased the entire Webmaster Super Pack suite of CoffeeCup software, and am using quite a bit of it in building the site. Again, learning as I go! lol.

Please take a look at the site, sign our guestbook, and help us with our letter writing campaign to your Congress persons and Senators. We need all the help we can get, and have a very short time to get that help!

I would much appreciate your input and feedback on the site.

Dave W.
User 174314 Photo

Registered User
1 post

My first site is at I did it for my wife who is starting a sugarcraft cake business.

I used the coffee cup flash gallery to display the cake photos.

I need a way to get my images to show up on google image search though - any tips?
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


Nice website. To get your images to show on Google, you have started with the second page at:

Now you need to put something there that Google can read. Your empty alt entries are for those with vision problems. The reading browsers will say what you have in the alt="" entries. Your empty title="" entries are for a title for the image. The title is used by standards compliant browsers to display on a mouse-over of the image. I doubt that will work with the way you are displaying the enlarged images, but it will not hurt to have something there for Google to find.

On another issue, you have several image names with an & in the name. The & should be the start of some special code such as © will display the copyright symbol, and & will display the ampersand. That will make it easier for browsers to read the URL. Also the URL should not have spaces in it. You can rename your images with _ replacing the space or use - to replace the space. I generally shorten the name by removing the spaces. These two things make it easier for the browser to read the URL.

Hope this helps.
User 440011 Photo

Registered User
106 posts

Website address:

A mix of CoffeeCup Web Jukebox, Videoplayer and PhotoGallery and here's my «Country Style» web page.

Of course there are more involved than the three software I mention but, these are the main softs I've used. I've done it for fun to give a try on different CoffeeCup Software and, so far so good, I was amazed about what can be achieved.

I hope you enjoy
Survival of the fittest
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


You would not have to start over to use the HTML Editor. Just download the HTML pages from your website using FTP, and make the changes. Once you learn HTML and CSS, you will be pleased with the control you have over the look and feel of your site.
User 453087 Photo

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2 posts


My name is Tom Malinski

I'm from the CT. area. I'm new to Coffeecup and this forum. I am an ameteur photographer and decided to build a web site for my images. So far I'm settling on the current look, I've tried 4. I can tell you that trashing a complete site and starting over 4 times is a good way to learn coffeecup. I'm using visual designer, but I'm thinking of switching to manual so I can get a little more creative. Oh, that would mean starting over again wouldn't it....

Authors/Team: Just me!
User 452266 Photo

Registered User
267 posts


Name: The Ride Ahead Ministry

Description: Our website is about our Ministry which is trying to reach the Motorcyclist Community. It gives an insight of how we are reaching out into the growing number of people that own and enjoy motorcycles.

Tools Used: CoffeeCup HTML Editor, CoffeeCup Flash Menu Builder, CoffeeCup Web Form Builder, CoffeeCup Photo Gallery, CoffeeCup Web JukeBox, CoffeeCup Direct FTP, Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2, SiteBuilder, Canon SD1000 Digital Camera.

Authors: Me

May The Good Lord Take A Likin' To You,
Sandcrab3 (Scooterman)
User 456358 Photo

Registered User
9 posts


Name: Marius Aasheim

Description: My webpage, for my work (hobby) in photography.

Tools Used: Visual Site Designer

Authors/Team: Me, myself and I.

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