Hello all!
Web site address:
Pulling For Peace
I learned a very minimal amount of basic HTML as a part of a certificate program in a local community college.
I earned two certificates. "Microcomputer Operator", and "Microcomputer Business Applications Specialist".
After completing the certificate program, I "played" a bit with html, creating 2 personal web pages (which are no longer online). As a tournament director in an online pinochle league, I used my basic HTML knowledge to create several web pages for game-specific rules, decorated tournament pages, and a few other league related pages.
I am now Webmaster for an individual who is currently in the process of establishing a non-profit organization, in the name of "Pulling For Peace". This is my first experience with actually building a full Web site! And, I'm learning as I go! lol.
I purchased the entire Webmaster Super Pack suite of CoffeeCup software, and am using quite a bit of it in building the site. Again, learning as I go! lol.
Please take a look at the site, sign our guestbook, and help us with our letter writing campaign to your Congress persons and Senators. We need all the help we can get, and have a very short time to get that help!
I would much appreciate your input and feedback on the site.
Dave W.